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Walking and cycling in Pirna

Whether by bike or on foot, Pirna is a city with short distances. These enable barrier-free progress throughout the city, including in the historic old town. Here, the traffic-calmed, newly renovated zones are particularly noticeable, in which both pedestrians and cyclists have priority.

One of the most beautiful cycle paths in Germany, the Elbe Cycle Path, also runs through Pirna. In keeping with this, repair and rental services for bicycles as well as charging stations for e-bikes can be found throughout the city.

Since March 2019, Pirna has also been a member of wegebund e.V. (a working group of Saxon municipalities for the promotion of cycling and walking). So this topic will continue to play an important role for the sandstone city in the future.

Bicycle repair stations in Pirna

Since May 2023, three service stations for bicycles have been available in Pirna. Cyclists have the opportunity to carry out minor repairs to their bikes themselves by using the tools at the stations free of charge. All they have to do is insert a € 0.50, € 1 or € 2 coin as a deposit, just like a shopping trolley. The stations are located at Dohnaischer Platz next to the information board, at the Elbe car park on the old town side opposite the cyclist stop and at Hauptplatz (main square) in Copitz. In addition, Deutsche Bahn has set up a similar service station at Pirna railway station.

The following tools can be used: Slotted and Phillips screwdrivers, angle spanner set, various Torx spanners, open-ended spanners, roller fork spanners, three tyre levers and of course an air pump with three different attachments.

Playful and walking through Pirna

Colorful splashes of color lead children to exciting adventure points in the old town.
Colorful stones paths

Playful and walking through Pirna

More information about mobility in Pirna

Public transport

Bus am ZOB Pirna

Car sharing

Autoschlüssel auf einer Hand vor einem Auto als Symbol für Carsharing

Transport connections

Vogelperspektive von Pirna mit seinen Verkehrswegen

Construction sites & Co

Sperrscheibe auf einer Straße

Caravan parking

Junges Paar vor einem Wohnwagen

Mobility & transport

ZOB Busbahnhof Pirna