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Schlosspark Graupa (hi)story playground

The playground in the park of Graupa Jagdschloss (a former hunting lodge) is inspired by the hunting route of Saxony’s aristocrats into the nearby forest. Here young adventurers can climb over bridges, arches and hurdles. The play elements are joined by seven bridge elements.

Saxony’s elector Frederick Augustus III built the hunting path as well as various bridges out of sandstone between 1780 and 1789. Hereby the biggest structure was the “Hohe Brücke” (the High Bridge) which has two levels and is almost twelve metres high. This also gave the region and the popular hiking path through the Graupaer Forest its name “Hohe Brücken”.

Today, the Jagdschloss (hunting lodge) is the site of the Richard-Wagner-Stätten Graupa (Wagner museum and memorial) which is well worth a visit for the whole family.

Pirna’s playgrounds


Spielplatz am Elbufer in Pirna

In the park by the river Elbe, next to the Elbe cycle path, everything revolves around the theme of water and shipping.


In the green area, numerous play islands and a skate park invite children of all ages to play and romp.


A rope factory was once located here. That's why the playground equipment is themed around rope making.