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Pirna celebrates Caspar David Friedrich

Anyone who follows in the footsteps of the painter Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) will inevitably also end up in the large district town of Pirna. The well-known Malerweg begins and ends here - from the picturesque Liebethaler Grund to the historic Pirna market square with the iconic Canalettohaus, the headquarters of the Pirna Tourist Service.

Modern vs. Romantic

A special exhibition was on display at the Pirna City Museum under the title “Topography of Longing – In the Footsteps of Caspar David Friedrich” in 2024. The illustrious show, curated by Maren Marzilger, was dedicated to today's engagement with the artist's time and found itself in the unique arc of tension between earlier romanticism and the realism of our era. Four accompanying events formed the supporting program of this special exhibition.

Tom Pauls Theater honors CDF

The Tom Pauls Theater also has a lot planned with its theater team, the Ilse Bähnert Foundation and the Caspar David Friedrich Circle of Friends to honor the great Romantic painter. On January 27, 2024, the special exhibition “Hiking Companions – Following in the footsteps of the Romantics in Saxon Switzerland” opened in the Peter Ulrich House. Based on the hiking guide by Veith & Engelhardt “Mahlerische Wanderen”, according to which Caspar David Friedrich planned his hikes, romantic pictures from Tom Pauls’ private collection can be seen.