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Companies in the municipal Group

The City of Pirna Group comprises all municipal companies, including the Städtische Wohnungsgesellschaft Pirna mbH (Pirna city living), Kultur- und Tourismusgesellschaft Pirna mbH (Pirna cultural and tourism association), Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft Pirna mbH (Pirna urban development) and Stadtwerke Pirna GmbH (Pirna public utilities). Service- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft Pirna mbH (Pirna service and holding company) is the parent company for all the other municipal companies. Every subsidiary is an independent company which is a flexible player on the market in accordance with economic criteria.
Despite their independence, it is both advisable and important to collaborate closely in some areas, such as for the marketing of the city of Pirna. In this instance, municipal companies work closely together so that both time and financial resources are used effectively.
Every company has a supervisory board which monitors business operations and company management, providing advice and, in important cases, making decisions on business affairs. The municipal council decides how the supervisory board is made up and its members include the Lord Mayor, city councillors possessing particular knowledge and skills and recognised representatives from industry.

(Kopie 2)

Pirna cultural and tourism association

Pirna city living

Pirna urban development

Pirna public utilities

The experts for any questions on drinking water, sewage, district heating, power, natural gas and aquatic facilities.
Stadtwerke Pirna GmbH (SWP)

Pirna public utilities

Pirna service and holding company