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Information, material and points of contact for the media

The press offices at the City of Pirna Group are the first port of call for any journalists or reporters, connecting the media with the administration department and the town’s municipal companies. Comprehensive, factual information always takes priority.

Both current and previous press releases provide an overview of the most important themes and the relevant points of contact in each case. If you would like to join the mailing list for the city or its municipal companies, all you need to do is send a brief message to the relevant press office.

Press officers for the City of Pirna Group

City of Pirna council
Public Relations Department

Pirna cultural and tourism association (Kultur- und Tourismusgesellschaft Pirna mbH)
Press officer: Rex Jakob

Pirna urban development (Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft Pirna mbH)
Press officer: Rick Bothmann

Pirna public utilities (Stadtwerke Pirna mbH)
Press officer: Laura Braun

Pirna city living (Städtische Wohnungsgesellschaft Pirna mbH)
Press officer: Sören Sander

Press material – Pirna in images and text

Images and PR text are available free of charge in order to make it easier for media representatives, agencies, local companies, associations and other organisations to advertise and promote the city of Pirna. However, it is essential that the relevant licensing conditions are observed in doing so. For example, the owner of copyright should always be named (photographer or author) in accordance with the wording specified.

Pirna’s database for image text

If you would like to download an image, simply right click on the image you desire and select “Save target as”. Alternatively, you can also left click on the image to display it in full screen and then right click and select “Save image as”.

Licensing regulations must be observed! All images provided are licensed under the “CC-by 3.0/de” licence.

By downloading an image, you confirm that you agree to the “CC-by 3.0/de” licence and the specified exclusion criteria.

[Translate to English:] (Kopie 2)

View of Pirna over the River Elbe

Pirna’s old town

Sunrise in Pirna

Pirna in winter

Marienkirche’s decorative sandstone entrance

Pirna by night

Real life depiction of the painting by Canaletto

The Teufelserker (devil oriel) in Pirna